What Is A Driven Pheasant Hunt?
What is a driven pheasant hunt? Hunt The Rackett Owner Stan Baker explains our combination driven pheasant hunts and field hunts.

Classic European Style Driven Hunt
When it comes to birds, what are two of the places most people think of? Yes, South Dakota and Argentina. What we have done is combine the Argentina and the South Dakota. We will show you hundreds and thousands of birds that you can shoot at, yes, you can shoot at and when you do, they are presented to you in a very sporting way. So what we have done here at Hunt The Rackett essentially is taken the old European style driven hunt, and combined it with the rough hunt and it just makes for a spectacular hunt.

The Scenery
The scenery is amazing while you are shooting these birds, you turn around and you see the panorama of the sandhills which is just unbelievable. We think that you will really, really enjoy it.

Bison Peak
You will be seeing a lot of Outdoor Channel Hunts that they filmed here not only deer hunts but driven hunts as well as field hunts. So what we do here is combine those. The first day you walk in what you experience is a warm greeting and meal and open bar environment. We treat people as adults and in non-shooting hours you can just help yourself to the bar. After that, the first day that you are here, you will be taken up on a hill called Bison Peak. Just the most amazing view you have ever experienced. It's very similar to the grand canyon, you know that kind of effect. That day you will be introduced and presented with hundreds and thousands of birds and that first day, you will be shooting at these birds in the european style. So those birds will be presented in a very sporting way some of them 60 to 70 yards. That’s day one, and 8 guys may end up with a couple hundred birds.

The Next Day Field Hunt
The next day we have what we call a plantation hunt or a field hunt as we know it. And in that hunt what we couple that with is a lot of birds and some spectacular dog work. We have some tremendous dogs both german shorthairs, english pointers, pointing labs and we have one dog who is our signature dog and his name is butch and he's a wirehair griffon pointer and he's amazing.

ATV's or Walk
Now for old guys like me, who have the artificial knees and the pacemakers, we have three 6 seater ATV's with gun mounts. So what we can do is the dogs will be out in front of the ATV's and our guns will be mounted and empty. When the dogs go on point, the hunt begins. We will get out, chamber our shells and we will go after the birds. When the birds are shot, we will get back in and let the dogs work again.
For the young guys, a lot of people want to just do it on foot, and thats ok. Our gameskeepers and guides are young and they get get around and run marathons.

So that's about what you can expect. Also expect at the end of the day the birds are processed for you and packed, frozen.