Western Nebraska Guided Mule Deer Hunts
"It will be the best hunt you ever go on, I guarantee it!"- Dusty Conley. Come enjoy one of the best mule deer hunts you will ever experience. If the trophy Mule deer is not enough for you, the spectacular sight of the Nebraska Sandhills will cap it all off.

Why Mule Deer Hunt At The Rackett?
All of our hunts take place on our own private land which consists of 27,000 acres. This guarantees you will be the only hunter for miles upon miles in any direction, and we have the equipment to cover all of this land. Between years of true deer management accompanied by land development through the process of ranching and agricultural maintenance, our deer are some of the biggest in the entire Midwest. With our land ranging from vast hills to thick wooded meadows and creek bottoms we can provide every type of deer habitat necessary. To make it even better you won't drive more than a quarter mile without seeing water whether it be creek, one of our numerous ponds, or a well that was created to provide water for cattle.

Mule Deer Season and Dates
Bow season begins September 1st and runs until December 31st and as every true archer knows this is the ultimate challenge for any hunter. Our mule deer rifle season begins typically the middle of November and last for roughly a week. A second late season rifle hunt for antlerless deer only falls in the beginning of January. DATES MAY CHANGE SLIGHTLY FOR 2019
- Archery: Sept. 1, 2018 – Dec. 31, 2019
- Rifle / Firearm: Nov. 10, 2018 - Nov. 18, 2019
- Late Firearm / Rifle Season (antlerless only): Jan. 1, 2020 - Jan. 15, 2020
- Muzzleloader: Dec. 1, 2018 - Dec. 31, 2019
Permit Sale Dates
- Residents and nonresidents (all units): July 9, 2019 after 1:00pm CST - Jan. 15, 2020 (close of season)
Success Rates
Our deer season at Hunt The Rackett was a success with all four trophy tags being filled. 2018 was a great year for Mule Deer Hunts!